Within each of the sections below, you will be presented with an overview of the feature, and in some cases a link to a video demo showing the featuring in action. Each section also has as a link to the PressDisplay Blog to where you can add specific questions or comments about the feature.
Please note, if you need support, please contact the Customer Support Team directly for the fastest response to your inquiry.
When you first visit, you will be presented with a home page full of premium content from around the world.
Immediately, you will see a list of the top stories of the day and next to it, the world’s news in pictures. This is where most readers start clicking and reading the news. But there are lots of other items of interest on the home page for you to explore.
By simply scrolling down the page you will be able to view the most interesting News stories, Business, Sports, Entertainment and Editorial articles.
On the right-hand side of the screen you can easily click on your favorite publications within My Newspapers. To learn how to create this list of favorites, click here .
Just below My Newspapers, you will see the top newspapers for the day according to readers, and below that, the top reporters and bloggers.
Keep scrolling down and you’ll see a button
which takes you to the PressDisplay Blog.
And below that are links to dozens of privately labeled ePapers called SmartEditions which are powered by PressDisplay technology. offers a number of menus and tools to help you search for articles of interest, select titles to read, and manage your account and preferences. You will learn more about each of these menus and tools in the sections below.
To watch a video demo, click here.
To ask questions or add comments, click here.
Customization Features |
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There are many ways you can tailor to suit your personal preferences. Customizing the home page of is a powerful option because you can actually decide what content gets displayed on the homepage on the fly, making it your own personal online newspaper kiosk.
With customization features, you can:
Create a list of your favorite newspapers (My Newspapers) |
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Just select the edit link on the left of your display My Newspapers and start adding newspapers to your list using
You can sort the list of available publications by title, country or language to make it easier to find the papers you want. Select as many newspapers as you like from any country or in any language.
Once you’ve selected your favorite papers, click
and you’ll be presented with a page where you can set up newspaper alerts for the publications you want emailed to you as soon as they are released.
Now every time you login to, thumbnails of your favorite papers will be displayed in the far right column for easy access. You can add and delete newspapers from your list or turn on/off newspaper alerts at any time, by clicking on the My Newspapers and updating your previous selections.
To watch a video demo of this feature, click here .
To ask questions or add comments about this feature, click here .
View stories from all sources, your favorite papers or something in between |
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With you can decide if you want to see the top stories from the hundreds of titles we carry or just the top stories from your favorite papers or a mix of the two.
Just look above your list of favorite newspapers for a little green slider control slider and move it from “All Sources” to “My Newspapers”
. Notice how the stories change on the home page to reflect your selection. There are 5 positions along this control where you can set your selection.
You can also see what editors thought should be the top stories that day versus what stories actually retained the interest of readers the longest.
Just move the Readers versus Editors red slider
to the left or right on the “Readers’ choice” and “Editors’ picks” control and watch the content change on the home page. It is interesting to see how often a story that didn’t get much attention from editors really grabbed the interest of our readers.
To watch a video demo of this feature, click here.
To ask questions or add comments about this feature, click here .
Learn about article ranking and how top stories are chosen for the home page |
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If you’re wondering how readers actually rank articles in to determine what makes them a “Readers choice”, the answer is easy -- they do it by just reading. measures the reading times for every article in every publication we carry. The more time people spend reading an article, the higher it is ranked and the more green cells
it is awarded, up to a maximum of 5.
Then we refresh the entire site every 10 minutes to ensure that article rankings are kept up to date and top stories stay on top.
To watch a video demo of this feature, click here.
To ask questions or add comments about this feature, click here .
Promote your favorite category of news to the top of the home page |
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If top stories aren’t as interesting to you as another news category, such as sports, you can replace the home page content with your favorite category by just clicking on the Sports button in News Menu control in the far left column of the home page, or by clicking on Show All link above your favorite news category. You can return to the default home page just by clicking on the Front page button in the News menu.
From the home page, you can also see more or less of different categories of news by clicking on the
links just above and to the right of each news category.
To watch a video demo of this feature, click here.
To ask questions or add comments about this feature, click here .
See only the news in your chosen languages |
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In you can use the language selection feature
, to customize the home page to display only stories written in your chosen languages. There are dozens of languages from which to choose.
Just click on the Select Language above your list of favorite newspapers in the right column of the display. A dialogue box will appear with all the supported languages listed. Just check the ones you want, click OK and will only show you content originally written in your chosen languages. For information on how to translate articles into a different language, click here.
To watch a video demo of this feature, click here.
To ask questions or add comments about this feature, click here .
View news from any day in the last week |
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If you want to see what the news looked like yesterday on or any day up to 7 days ago, just move the green slider on the calendar control on the top of to the day you want to see and will only show articles that were published on that day.
To watch a video demo of this feature, click here.
To ask questions or add comments about this feature, click here .
Upgrade or change your PressDisplay subscription plan |
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Follow these steps to easily change or upgrade your subscription:
- In the My Services menu, click My Account.
- In the menu on the left, click Subscription Status.
- Click the Change/Upgrade Subscription button and follow the subsequent steps.
Update/change your Billing information |
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Follow these steps to easily update your credit card, billing address and other info:
- In the My Services menu, click My Account.
- In the menu on the left, click Credit Card.
- Update your information, and click the Update now button to confirm the changes.
Follow these steps to easily update your credit card, billing address and other info:
- In the My Services menu, click My Account.
- In the menu on the left, click Payment History.
- You will see a list of all payments made in the current year (there is a drop down list of years if payments made over multiple years).
- Next to each item in the list will be a Details link. Click on this link and a record of the payment will be available to print as a receipt. It will look exactly like the receipt emailed to you.
The thumbnail bar on the right side of the PressDisplay interface shows preview images of each page of the publication you are currently viewing. You can hide or reveal this bar by clicking on the "Thumbnails" tab on the right side.
The picture gallery feature allows you to browse through all images in the publication you are viewing. Simply click on the picture gallery icon and a grid of all images from that issue will be displayed. You can click on any of the images to jump to the corresponding article within the publication.
SmartNavigation Features |
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There are a number of powerful SmartNavigation features in which will enable you to explore the world of news and find the stories and articles that matter to you at home or on the road.
Learn how to:
Use Select Title button to filter your selection by country, by language or by the first letter of a title. Based on your filter, will present all matching titles in both a text link and thumbnail view. Just click on the one you want and start reading.
There is also a list of countries in the left menu which you can use to select Titles by Country.
Finally, you can click on any article on the home page of and it will open the article in text view above the page in which the article was located in the original publication. From here, you can access any other article in that publication by closing the text window of the current article and clicking on other articles in the publication.
To watch a video demo of this feature, click here.
To ask questions or add comments about this feature, click here .
Browse and Read publications |
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Once you’ve found the issue you want to read, there are many ways to browse that publication.
For example, you can just click on the page controls
on the top right and left corners of the page to flip through the paper.
You can choose between a 1 page and 2 page view of the paper using this page control
More controls are provided in our tool bars as well – like our show next page/show previous page
You can zoom in
closer to read specific articles on the page in full graphics mode by clicking and dragging your mouse around the screen. You can change the mouse drag direction with this
control located at the top right corner of the text window.
The magnifying lens offers 5 zoom levels
. Double clicking on the page closes the zoom lens.
If an article you are reading spans more than one page, you can click on the link
at the bottom of the article to jump to the page where the article is continued.
Many other links are also clickable in the paper, such as URLs, email addresses and some telephone numbers.
To read an article in our popular text view, just click on the title of the article on the page you are viewing. You can toggle between a one-column or two-column mode using the column control icon
in the top toolbar.
In the text view window, you can translate many articles in up to a dozen different languages by clicking on the translate
link at the top right corner of the text window. Clicking on the original
link takes you back to the article in its original language.
Clicking on the X at the top right corner returns you to the page on which the article was located.
You can also jump to specific pages in a newspaper by clicking on the thumbnails on the right side of the display. To see all the thumbnails together, click on the link above the thumbnails
Finally, you can browse an issue by using the Table of Contents control on the right of the front page or using the control
in the top tool bar. Simply move your cursor over the control and the table of contents will drop down . From here, you can display any page in the list by clicking on it or hover over a page to see all its articles and then click on the one you want.
To watch a video demo of this feature, click here.
To ask questions or add comments about this feature, click here .
Print Articles and Pages |
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To print the full page of a publication, open the graphical view of the page you want to print, then click on the Print
icon on the toolbar below the page. This will open a dialogue box where you can select the left or right page, paper size and margins. Once you have made your selections, just click the Print button to open the standard print dialogue box for your system. Then select your printer preferences and click on Print to send the page to the printer.
For publications that support Smart Navigation features (distinguished by
), you can print individual articles or puzzles.
To print a single article, open the article in text view by clicking on its title and then click on the Print
icon in the top toolbar of the text window (If you click on the bottom Print icon, the full page will be printed as a default).
To print a custom area within the page, Click on the Print
icon on the toolbar below the page and select 'Print Custom Area'. The cursor will now appear as a crosshair
, allowing you to draw a box around the area of the page you wish to print. To draw a box, press and hold the mouse button and drag the mouse until you have covered the desired print area. Once you let go, a dialog box will open where you can select to scale the selected area to fit the page and choose the paper size. Once you have made your selections, click the Print button to open the standard print dialog box for your system.
To watch a video demo of this feature, click here.
To print a crossword or other puzzle, click the title of the Puzzle (e.g. “crossword”, “codeword”, “sudoku”, etc.) and a window will open which includes an image of the puzzle. Click on that image to open it in its own browser window. Print from this new window using your browser options.
Note, you can also choose to print articles and pages to Adobe PDF if your system supports that feature. This is a good way to save individual articles and pages on your computer.
To watch a video demo of this feature, click here.
To ask questions or add comments about this feature, click here .
Search or Monitor the news for topics of interest |
Top | provides a powerful cross-title searching capability. The fastest way to search all the news is to enter your keywords in the Search control at the top of the display and click on the Search button. The drop down menu
lets you modify the date of your search to today, within the last 3 days, this week, this month or anytime.
Once you click on the search button, you will be presented with the results of your search and an advanced search menu will appear on the left for you to tailor your search criteria further by newspapers and date. The language will be automatically detected based on the newspaper you select. You can also search for the keywords in the title of the article or body or both.
Managing Monitors:
Monitors are like automated searches in Just enter your keywords or phrases like you would with any normal search and then save it to you monitors by clicking on
link at the bottom of the results window. remembers the search criteria and alerts you via email as soon as a related story is published.
You can decide when you want to be alerted by email - once a day (pick your time), every other day or as soon as a match happens. To see all of your monitors, click on the
button in the left menu on the home page or through the My Services control
at the top of the home page. From here you can quickly add new monitors, activate (subscribe to) or deactivate (unsubscribe from) monitors, change your alert preferences or delete monitors.
Now all you have to do is check from time to time for emails from When one arrives, open it up and you will see a number of articles that match your search criteria. Click on the one you want to read, and will open it in text view – you’ll see your keywords highlighted in red. You can also unsubscribe from the monitor from within the email.
If you want to see related articles, scroll to bottom of the page…if you want to see where the article was physically located in the paper, close the window by clicking on the x and you’ll be taken to the graphical view of the page where that article was located.
To watch a video demo of this feature, click here.
To ask questions or add comments about this feature, click here .
Listen to the newspaper |
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To listen to a newspaper on your computer, just click on the speaker icon
to activate Interactive Radio which automatically starts reading the current article to you and gives you the option of filtering your play list or listening to other articles in this issue.
You can even listen to the article in a different language, just translate the article first in text view, and then click on the speaker icon to have it read to you in the new language.
If you want to listen to a newspaper on your smart mobile phone, find the paper you want to listen to through the mobile radio page and copy its URL into your media player on your device. The same URL will work every day as new issues of that paper are released so you only have to copy it once.
To watch a video demo of this feature, click here.
To ask questions or add comments about this feature, click here .
Access from your mobile device |
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If you have a smart mobile device or Blackberry and you want to read your favorite publications while you’re “on the go”, just connect to from your phone’s browser and you’re there!
We’ve optimized for small screens, so you will have a great viewing experience while enjoying all your favorite publications.
If you want to see a live demo of it, just click on the Mobile PressDisplay menu item in the left menu on the home page.
To watch a video demo of this feature, click here.
To ask questions or add comments about this feature, click here .
What is Ad Value?
Ad Value is a measure of the quality of exposure of an advertisement on any given page in a newspaper (relative to the front page of a publication). measures Ad Value through a combined score of how many readers view any given page and how much time they spend reading that page. Based on this value, advertisers can determine which pages in the newspaper could potentially yield the highest return on investment based on measured reader behavior.
What is the AdValue Map?
The AdValue Map is a feature available to professional subscribers that visually displays the Ad Value of each page of each issue in all publications on
How do I view the Ad Value map?
When viewing a publication in newspaper page view, hover over the red & yellow page icon
in the bottom tool bar, and select "AdValue report." The scale of Ad Value percentages will become visible, along with the shading of each page. You can browse each page individually, or click the "Show Thumbnails" link at the top right of the window
to view the AdValue of all pages in the newspaper together. You can turn off the Ad Value map by again clicking the red & yellow page icon at the bottom . Zoom features are disabled while viewing the Ad Value Map.
Note: The thumbnail view also enables you to see basic stats such as the Median & Average reading times and the number of readers for each issue.
What do the percentages/colours mean?
The front page is measured at 100%, while all other pages are given a score and color relative to the front page. A higher percentage or darker color indicates a higher AdValue score.
More on the Ad Value Map
Visit the PressDisplay Blog to share comments and questions.
Content Management Features |
Top | is much more than a site of newspapers. It also provides some very useful content management functionality.
With customization features, you can:
Bookmarks in help you save and organize articles and pages from any publication. Bookmarks allow you to access articles and pages long after they have been removed from our archives.
Any page in any publication can be bookmarked. Just open the page you want to bookmark, click on the bookmark icon
at the bottom of the viewing window and you will be presented with a dialogue box where you can select which pages you want to bookmark (left, right or spread). You can also include any comments you like about it and then click Add.
To see all of your bookmarks, just use your Bookmark Manager within the
drop down list at the top right of the home page. From here, you can organize your bookmarks in folders or share them via email or your blog.
To watch a video demo of this feature, click here.
To ask questions or add comments about this feature, click here .
Share articles by email or on your blog |
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Sharing articles and pages from PressDisplay using email or blogging is easy to do and it could make you some money (to learn more about our referral program, click here).
When reading an article in text view you can click on the envelope icon
at the top of the text window to create an email dialogue which already includes your email address, the title of the article and issue of the paper in the subject line. It will also include a thumbnail of the page of the paper where the article is located, a link to the article and room for you to enter comments. Just enter the email addresses, separate by commas and click Send.
If you’d rather share the whole page, just use the envelope icon
in the bottom toolbar while viewing the publication in full graphics mode.
If you would like to post news articles and then share your opinion about them, just just click on the blog icon
at the top of the text view window or the blog icon at the bottom of the graphics view to post the whole page. You will be presented with a dialogue box where you can add your comments and choose the blog where you want to submit your post.
Note that once you post an article from PressDisplay to your blog, PressDisplay remembers your blog information for the next time so you don’t have to re-enter your username and password.
To watch a video demo of this feature, click here.
To ask questions or add comments about this feature, click here .
Set up an RSS feed for your favorite publications |
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For those of you who are actively receiving content through RSS feeds, PressDisplay lets you set up an RSS feed for every publication we carry. Open the publication you want and click on the RSS icon
to the left of the front page.
You will be presented with a dialogue box with the links to the publication. You can decide to receive the front page of a paper or the whole issue.
Just cut and paste the appropriate link into your reader and as new issues are published, you will receive them in your reader – often before they ever hit the newsstands.
To watch a video demo of this feature, click here.
To ask questions or add comments about this feature, click here . and PressReader software is accessible via many different devices:
Smartphones, iPhone, iPod Touch, Blackberry, or another brand: No matter what kind of mobile device you carry, if you can access the Internet through your phone’s browser, you can access all the publications which support SmartNavigation.
Mobile provides many of the same easy access and intuitive navigation you expect at such as audio, RSS, cross-title searching, zoom and pan, article hyperlinks, full graphics or easy-to-read text views.
PressReader for Smartphones is perfect for commuters or anyone who wants to read their favorite PressDisplay publications on their mobile device when they're disconnected from the internet.
View Demo | Download PressReader for Smartphones
The PressReader software application supports iRex digital reader 1000 series. Previous models of the iRex eReader are not supported.
To view publications from PressReader on your iRex device, use the following steps:
1. Download, install and authorize the latest version of PressReader on your PC.
2. Use the "Save" icon next to the front page of any publication to download it to PressReader.
3. Connect your iRex Digital Reader to your computer
4. Open PressReader and open the My Library folder on the left of the application. It will show your downloaded publications. Click on the publication you want to transfer and then click File->Export to iRex
5. In the Save As dialog, choose the disk drive for your iRex (e.g. E:\) and browse to your "PressReader" folder. Choose Save. Note that depending on the size of the publication, this step could take a few minutes.
6. Once the transfer is complete, you can continue to transfer publications to your iRex DR one at a time.
7. When you are finished, remember to close the PressReader application so you can safely un-mount the iRex Digital Reader.
8. Now, turn on your iRex and tap on the PressReader icon on the Home screen. This will take you to the PressReader folder on your SD card where you can find all your publications.
9. Tap on the title you wish to read, and in a few seconds you'll have the entire publication available to read at your leisure.